Team Building

Team Building:

You may want to build your leadership team, or get your students working better together. Either way a day at Path Hill can help you build bridges together; both relational and physical.

Many schools want to give opportunities to their students to build relationships outside of the classroom and to develop leadership skills. This may be particularly helpful at the start of a key stage, at the end of a school year or during an enrichment week.

Team Building days will be planned with you and will generally have specific aim: It may be to get younger students to work with a range of their peers and to develop the quality of their interactions.

It may be to encourage sixth form students to take responsibility for themselves and to lead their peers in challenging and complex tasks.

It may be to get your staff team to work outside of their normal curriculum groups in ways that a school based inset can struggle to achieve.

‘The team building program was a great opportunity to spend time in staff groups outside of the work environment. The day gave us an opportunity to get to know both new & existing colleagues. The Path Hill team were fantastic - really friendly, helpful & a good laugh. The actual team building activities were well-planned and a good challenge, I loved the cooking challenge and camp fire, it was fantastic to see different personalities and the competitive spirit between staff groups. most of us had aching joints the next day but well worth it...the day was full of conversations and laughter.’

Senior Leader, Cranbury College, Reading, Oct 2017

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