News & Events

News from Path Hill Outdoors 

Over this winter there seems to be great deal need to get outdoors, learn something new and have fun with friends. After Easter we will be promoting the first adult courses on our new website Path Hill Adventures and hope to offer adventures based at Path Hill and further afield to all age groups. As cases of Covid continue to fallwe will resume our school camps and holiday activities. Despite Covid-19 continuing to be a challenge there have been some positive changes to the way we run Path Hill for our one to one students. We have a daily food co-ordinator who  cooks for all students and staff - our lunchtimes have become much more sociable and the afternoons orientated towards group activities. This has been a blessing for many of our young people who are isolated at home and missing their friends. 

The new outdoor kitchen is now complete and has been used by our students for the past few weeks. The woodland forge is also ready for use. This Easter break staff will learning how to use this forge, our two new wood lathes and woodland mindfulness techniques broadening what we can offer our students and other visitors to Path Hill. We will also be preparing to offer short canoe adventures on the River Thames. 

This summer we are hoping to repeat out NHS summer day camps that are running for nurses and ancillary staff in the local area. We feel that they deserve a welcome break and time with their families and Path Hill is an ideal setting for respite, fun and reconnection. If you wish to donate towards the funding for these day camps please visit our Just Giving page.  Have a look at how wonderful these days were last year - a video from the BBC 

Hope to see you soon!